Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Loving it so far!

It took me a little time to get into 100 Years at first. I have a tendency to do most of my reading at the end of the day before bedtime and I found myself struggling to get into it. I decided yesterday to start over from the beginning and now I am completely enthralled. I think initially I was asking too many unimportant questions, such as where and when exactly this book was supposed to be taking place. But as I have read more, I realize, that those things are insignificant in this book because this is a story told of so many times, places and cultures. Or at least that is how I have felt about it up to this point. I have spent the past three hours of my last day off on the couch reading. I was going to go to the gym or clean the flat, but haven't been able to leave the book! I suppose that it the one good aspect of my solitude here in the UK. I find time for things such as reading and other hobbies I felt I never had time for at home. Hope you are all enjoying it! I have a feeling I will be done before May 7.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Finished She's Come Undone...It's on to 100 Years

I finished She's Come Undone and cried the last twelve pages, from the point Mr. Pucci dies until the very end (and for a little while afterward). Now I can start 100 Years! I started it last night and it looks to be wonderful! I had a hard time transitioning though so soon after finishing She's Come Undone. I plan to start digging in this weekend. Here in the UK I get a five day weekend (the office is closed Friday,Monday, Tuesday) so I should have plenty of time to read! ta,lisa

Thursday, March 17, 2005

May works

Sounds like May might be better for most. Except for Efrat, who is beating us all to the punch! I have four hours of train ride ahead of me this weekend so I hope to finish She's come undone and then I can start 100 years. May 7 is the first Saturday in May. Would it work to make that the goal for all of us...then we could discuss the book in whole at that point. I like Em's idea though of using the blog to post questions, thoughts, etc. as we go along.
Here is the link for Oprah's Book Club on 100 Years of Solitude that Jennie mentioned.
Yay! I'm excited!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Welcome to the club!

Hi all! I'm excited to have everyone on board and hopefully we can keep this one going! It seems most have agreed to start off with 100 Years of Solitude, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I think it would be good if we could commit to one book a month, but with this being the first I am thinking maybe we should give a little more time. Plus, I know most of you have very busy schedules with school, work and children so I want to make sure everyone has enough time in order to make this group work!

I am thinking I will come up with some questions to promote discussion and if anyone has other suggestions please throw them in!!! I want this to be an open group as much as possible, but also don't want to see it fade off!

For right now, get yourself a copy of the book and get reading! We can adjust the blog site and the organization of everything as we go along. I will be gradually adding more links to the blog for literary reference,booksellers, etc., so if you know of a good link let me know! Book Sense can link you to independent book stores in your area. I have already added links to bookstores in everyone's area but if you enter your zip code you can find more that don't have web sites. A month from now would be Saturday April 16. If you think that is an attainable date we can go for it....If not I am thinking we could push it up to the first weekend in May.

Happy Reading!