Ties to the Bible
This is interesting. . . " the opening page of the novel is clearly an echo of the book of Genesis. In fact, much of One Hundred Years of Solitude is structured like the Bible, with a Genesis, an Exodus, plagues, miracles, a flood, and an Apocalypse. How much was this intentional? Probably all of it. "— Gene Bell-Villada
That thought seems to tie in to Efrat's comments regarding the reflection and evolution of the human race, as the Bible is thought by some to be. Obviously I am not very familiar with the bible but I was wondering what other's thoughts might be on this statement, given the literary context of the Bible and how it may be parallel to 100 Years. It is interesting that that parallel would even be there given Marquez is not religious and perhaps anti-clerical and that potrays most priests in a not so positive light in his books (so I read).
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